Sunday, September 14, 2008


Last week totally got away from me. After Tuesday, it just seemed like there was no time left in the day by the time I got home each afternoon. Hopefully this week will be a little calmer & I will have a little more time to blog. Here is a rundown of what we did over the weekend.

1. Phone problems: I came home Friday to discover we had no phone service (landline). We don't use our home phone often, most everyone calls us on our cell phones now, and that is what we use most too. But, I do still get some calls on the home phone, so I decided I needed to report the problem. After going through several steps on an automated system, it finally said my problem was logged in the system and it would be restored by Sept. 22, and then the automated system cut me off. I couldn' t believe it would take almost 2 weeks, so I decided to call back and try to talk to a human. After going through several minutes of automation again, I finally pushed enough buttons to get to a live human being. She mistook my concern of it taking 2 weeks to restore service as that I needed it immediately. I explained that we didn't need someone to come tonight, but my concern was that I would continue to rack up charges on a line we could not use. She then understood and explained that after 24 hours of no service (if it is their fault & it is in this case) credits automatically start going back on our bill. It was relatively pleasant phone call, and I was satisfied w/her answers. So, we can live w/no home serivice for a while.

2. Internet: I have also had intermittent problems with my internet service this weekend. Since my internet & phone service are through the same provider, I can only assume it is related to the problems above. Now, I don't think we can live without internet for 2 weeks. So, if the internet problems continue, I will be making another call to AT&T to whine & complain & throw a fit if necessary to get my internet back in full force. (but I will be patient & wait to see what happens w/it 1st) I guess if you don't see a blog from in a few days & no comments on your blogs, you can assume my internet is down again.

3. Birthday parties: We attended a birthday party on Saturday at my Hunter's aunt's house. Her 1st grandbabies, Hunter's cousins twin sons turned 1. (I forgot my camera, so I do not have pictures.) They are of course cute little boys. It was fun, but I am so glad my kids are bigger & we don't have the little kid birthday parties to attend as often. I'll try to get some pictures of them to share soon.

4. Hurricane Ike: Of course my prayers are with all of those in Texas who were affected by Ike. Ike affected our weather here in Arkansas again. We received tornadoes in several parts of the state, and high winds were again a result of remnants coming across AR. The rain didn't last as long for us this time (this was a blessing, as many places still have not recovered from the rains from Gustav). We lost power during the night and it came back on here around 10 am - a short lived outage for us. My sister lives in a town further west, and she lost power after Gustav & was out for several days; the school my nephews attend was out for 2 days that time due to no power. Her power is out again and she is receiving reports that it might be up to 3 days before it is restored; the boys will be out of school tomorrow for sure, and not sure about Tuesday yet. It seems crazy to think that 2 hurricanes could affect Arkansas, but it happened.

5. Chicken & Dumplings: Travis has been asking for chicken & dumplings for a while so last trip to the grocery store, I made sure to buy everything I would need to prepare them. Tonight for dinner that is what we had. My family loves chicken & dumplings, but only if they are homemade. I tried to take a short cut once & bought frozen dumplings, they knew immediately something was different & asked that I never make them that way again. So now I only make home made chicken & dumplings. I must say they are my favorite too. Chicken & dumplings are the ultimate comfort food for me - if I am sick, that is what I want; if I am sad, that is what I want. I had tried several recipes over the years, but was never happy with the taste. I wanted them to taste like my grandma's did. I finally combined & tweaked a few recipes and have come up with the ultimate recipe that tastes almost identical to how I remember my grandma's tasting. I am planning to do a recipe post soon, and will include this recipe as well as several other of our favorites.

That is about it for our weekend. I hope everyone had a great weekend, and dodged any damage from Ike. Share with me: what is your favorite comfort food? what did you do fun/exciting this weekend?

I hope everyone has a great week!


Melissa Stover said...

i don't know your grandmother's recipe but mine used canned biscuits. you tear them apart, roll them in flour then drop them in the broth. also a whole stick of butter in the broth.

hsmomma said...

I use canned biscuits in my dumplings too. It's the way we like them most. I never thought to roll them in four though--I may have to try that...

If someone told me I would have no Internet for two weeks, you could definitely expect some fit throwing! :)

My favorite comfort food--I have several: Hamburger Hash (basically hamburger meat, potatoes and onions boiled in water but oh so good), my mom's potato soup, meatloaf and mashed potatoes, and beef stroganoff! (Is there any wonder I am so overweight???)

April said...

So sorry to hear you've had such a mess to deal with because of the hurricane. One of my close friends lives just outside of Hot Springs Village and she told me they, too, were without power and had several trees downs. Sounds like quite a mess. I hope and pray things improve soon!

Favorite comfort food, huh? I'd have to say it's pot roast. That's what I always asked for my mom to make when I was a teenager and what I always wanted her to have on those weekends I came home from college. So good!

Anonymous said...

Mmmmmmmmmmmmm...comfort food... depends on what it is I need to be comforted for!!! Hot apple pie is a good soother, with icecream, of course. And chops with mashed potato and brocolli... What are dumplings? Hope you have a great start to the week.

a boy a girl and a pug said...

oh yum chicken and dumplings!!

and what a mess y'all had to deal with. 2 weeks that is just a crazy long time...hope it gets straightened out soon.

Lindsay-ann said...

I hope your phone and internet problems get fixed soon. Glad to hear you are safe from Ike. It must be really scary being in the path of a hurricane, we don't get them in England. My comfort food is chocolate. Your chicken and dumplings sounds lovely. Please post the recipe.
Nothing exciting happened here this weekend, just a bit of gardening. Our garden has gone mad over the past few weeks.

LOVE YOU A GOOGLE... said...

SOunds like you are busy too! My kids have been asking for chicken and dumplings, too. That is so time consuming for me to make but I have promised them I would make them this week. Comfort food is always the best. But the problem is my comfort food is cheese dip and chips! :)

Thanks for sharing! Have a good evening.

Leigh Ann said...

We had trouble with our phone line, too, but we are back up. Sept. 22? What in the world? Our internet was down for a bit, too. I think we may have gotten more rain here than LA! It was crazy!

I love anything rich and creamy for comfort foods like potato soup or cheese dip. Oooh, now I'm getting hungry. Chicken and dumplings sound yummy right now. I can't wait to get your recipe!