Wednesday, September 24, 2008


Chickadee tagged me, so here goes my turn. Check out how she did her random things; I'm going to do it a little different because since I am still a fairly new blogger I'm not sure I know anyone well enough yet to give hints, and also because I think that some of you may have already been tagged.

The "rules" of the game are as follows:
1. Post the rules on your blog.
2. Write 6 random things about yourself.
3. Tag 6 people at the end of your post.
4. If you're tagged, DO IT and pass on the tag.

Here goes - 6 random things about me:

1. I hate gum. I do not like the sound of it when someone is chewing it in any close proximity to me (I have been known to ask them to please spit it out); I do not like the sound it makes when I chew it, and I do not like the way it feels when I chew it (I never chew it anymore, but used to at one time in my life). I can not stand to see someone pulling it in & out of their mouth, or when someone puts it on the side of their plate to pop back in their mouth later. I do not like to see bubbles being blown. I'm not a germ crazy person, but I think gum is just a disgusting, noisy, germ magnet!

2. I love summer! I love heat, I do not like to be cold.

3. I love being an Arkansan. I have never really wanted to move away to another state, I am perfectly happy living in Arkansas forever!

4. I L.O.V.E. country music(especially George Strait)! But, I also love Bon Jovi & Jimmy Buffet. So, I guess, my tastes run a little everywhere.

5. I am convinced that some day I will be the next Mrs. Jon Bon Jovi. (LOL - everyone needs a crazy fantasy!)

6. Some day I would love to write a book. This has been a dream of mine since I was a child.

Now it's your turn. I am tagging Leigh Ann, April, Heidi, Aubs, a boy a girl & a pug, & love you a google. Please play with us, it is fun learning new things about each other!


Melissa Stover said...

i didn't know you hated gum. i used to chew gum around you all the time. probably drove you nuts.

tondays said...

nah - i developed this problem with gum in adulthood - i chewed it back then too.

Heidi Zawisza said...

Okay....totally going to do this!! I'm just now seeing it, and I really need bed right now, but I will respond in the morning! Thanks for the tag!
(i need to get the video cam set up in the bathroom before Craig gets up there...ha!!!!!!!!)

Aubs said...

thanks for the tag!! I am soooo going to do this and i am hoping for this weekend but not promising...all i can promise is that i WILL get to it!! Enjoyed learning more about you!

April said...

Oh, so you tagged me, too, huh? I just noticed it! I have to get hopping! I'll post soon! Thanks for thinking of me and I loved all the facts about you! By the way, I'm all about Jon Bon Jovi, too! Ow ow!!! :)

Leigh Ann said...

I would totally buy your book! :) I loved your list. That part about Jon Bon Jovi made me giggle because I think secretly we all would like to be the next Mrs. Ha! This was fun. Thank you for the tag. I love tags!

LOVE YOU A GOOGLE... said...

That is so funny about Jon Bon Jovi! I guess you didn't know that he was already promised to me! :) I agree we all need a crazy fantasy.. I will have to put mine on my random things.. let's just say it involves a nice looking Australian needing a place to stay... ha!

I will have to think about mine.. look for my tag in a few. :)