Monday, September 29, 2008


Just a few little updates on our "Everyday Life."

1. Trombone - Lindsay-ann over at The Cross-Stitch House has inquired about the progress of trombone playing Travis. So far so good. There has not been much practice at home yet. He leaves it at school during the week and just brings it home on weekends. He did play a couple of things for me this past weekend and I do see some potential there - it was actually better than I expected. I am anxious for the first band concert.

2. Names - I have given you my son's real name & I want to share the rest of the family with you - I'm just too distractable lately to try to keep up with 2 sets of names. Flicka's real name is Sarah. I will give you the story of her name at a later date. Hunter's real name is Lynn. And some of you already know, but my name is Tonda. Yes, it is unusual, I have heard of other Tonda's but have only met one. As my birthday is just a week away, I will share the story of my name at that point.

3. Scouts - we are in the middle of fall fundraisers for both Boy Scouts & Girl Scouts. Boy Scouts sale popcorn and the Girl Scouts sale candy, nuts & magazines in the fall (cookies begin in January). Sarah had a GS camp this weekend, she left on Friday with 2 other girls. One of the other moms took them, and I went yesterday to pick them up. Meetings every other week for Girl Scouts & the Boy Scouts meet every week, and then throw some weekend activities in for both. Busy, busy, busy... 'nuff said.

4. Friends - I have recently been fortunate enough to reconnect with a friend from my school years - she moved away after 9th grade, but we kept in touch off & on over the years. We have reconnected after losing track of each other for the past 7 years. This weekend we not only had girls night out, we had a good ol' fashion bunkin' party (or pj party). We had so much fun, it was great. We stayed up til 1:30 am talking, watching movies & just having a great time! I recommend this to everyone - it was therapeutic!

I guess that's about it for now. Just been crazy busy lately, but managing to keep my head above water & throw a little time for me in every once in a while. HOPE EVERYONE HAS A GREAT WEEK! HAPPY MONDAY!

So, what's been keeping you busy & when's the last time you had a bunkin party with a friend?


Scrapper Mom said...

I've had late night scrappin' parties, but no pj parties lately. I'm so jealous. Maybe you guys could count me in on the next one!! lol. (oh, and maybe I could give you those scrapbooking lessons???) jk!! unless you really want them..

a boy a girl and a pug said...

How fun! And oh yum now I'm craving some of that boy scout chocolate covered mix. We've got a boy scout in the family and I always look forward to popcorn time!

Lindsay-ann said...

I LOVE your name and am looking forward to hearing the story of how you got it. We call your bunkin parties sleepovers. I have not been to a sleepover for 24 years! I do keep in touch with all my old school friends and try to regularly see the ones who live not too far away. It would be fun to have a sleepover with them again one day. Thanks so much for the updates.

Anonymous said...

It is so much fun catching up with friends and especially doing something you haven't done in ages - but, we're never too old for a sleepover, I don't think... The scrapbooking retreat I went on was like a sleepover for my friend and I, hanging out in your jimmy-jams and eating everything you shouldn't at the worst possible hour... F.U.N!

April said... actual bunkin' party? Wow, I'd have to say I was in my teens the last time I had one. No, now that I think about it, it was in college. My roomie and I had a group of girls over for the night who were majoring in speech-language pathology, too. We stayed up all night laughing, eating, and watching movies. Such fun!!

Now, when my girls have sleepovers, it brings back a lot of great memories for me. I'm glad you had a fun, rejuvenating night!! We all need that from time to time. Have a great week, too!! :)

Heidi Zawisza said...

I'm so glad you told the names yay!!
I just posted a giveaway on my blog....enter your bad self!! hee hee hee