Monday, August 18, 2008

1st Day of School

The first day is over, and everyone survived. I know my kiddos are older, but I was so anxious to pick them up and hear all about it. They both wanted to talk nonstop when they got in the car. They wanted to tell me about their friends who were in classes with them (a few they haven't seen all summer, and some they have seen often), about all of their classes, etc.... Both kids are very happy with their schedules and today seemed to be a success. Below are a few 1st day of school pics - obtaining these was not an easy task. My kids now seem to think they are too big/cool for 1st day of school photos! I finally convinced them I would not give up till I had the photos; so very begrudgingly they gave in with stipulations - we had to go out back so no one could see (my usual photo spot is in the front yard, but the local bus stop is out front and they couldn't risk being seen posing for mom), I decided I might as well give them something, and so to the back yard we went. Here is the result.

My 2 "middle schoolers"

My 8th grader & last year middle schooler.

My 6th grader & first year middle schooler.

Of course, I cherish the end of first day chats because they tend to give me less and less info. as the school year wears on, but I cling to every little tidbit I can get out of them. So, we are off to a good start, and hopefully will on stay on track to a great year.

I hope everyone else, had good first days too! I will continue to keep my friends w/the little ones going off to "big school" for the first time in my prayers - I love you guys and hope you are doing well.


Leigh Ann said...

Tonda, thank you for your prayers and your sweet comment! Your encouragement means the world to me! I think tomorrow may be the true test when we go back for day 2. Ha! I loved seeing S & T's picture and couldn't help but giggle that they made you go in the backyard. Hilarious! I can't believe how grown up they are. I think S looks JUST like you! Such a pretty family.

Anonymous said...

So glad they enjoyed their first day back at school. Don't you just love it when they are chatty after school?!!! I've worked out that if I start asking questions about what sports my boy played today, then all other conversation just flows, otherwise, it's like getting blood from a stone.

A good compromise you came to on the first day photos... good on you! They look like they've had a good holiday - all fresh-faced... lovely!

Scrapper Mom said...

I tried and tried to upload photos last night to no avail. I got mine up this morning though.

Sounds like you got more out of your kids (conversation wise) than I did.

My kids know to expect a photo shoot on the first day and they better be prepared!! Hope you have a good year.

(I can't believe S is in the 8th grade!! Wow, I didn't realize she was that old!)

cmbbyrd said...

Those are such good pictures.

Lindsay-ann said...

Hi there - thanks for visiting my blog yesterday. I did leave you a comment on your earlier post but it was my first comment and I think I didn't publish it properly. I have a lot to learn!! I am pleased your kids first day back at school went well. Our schools are not back until the beginning of September so we have two more weeks of summer left to enjoy. I hope you visit my blog again - I am looking forward to getting to know you.

hsmomma said...

So glad they had a good first day!

Jill said...

OH MY WORD! How did they get that big? Seriously, 8th grade? I think it was last week you were fretting about middle school wasn't it? You didn't know how she was going to get to her classes on time? There is also no way that he is in 6th grade either. You need to have them check the records because somewhere somehow they messed up.

So glad to hear from you! You me and LAH need to have lunch and catch up, now that I am free all day every day with no small kids to tote around. :(