Wednesday, August 6, 2008


This weekend I will attend my 20 yr. high school reunion. We were the class of 88 and we were great! I think there is a part of me that is still in shock that it has been 20 years. It's not that I think I am still 18; it's really more that it doesn't feel like it's been 20 yrs.! I want to share a little with you about my high school, and the life of those days.

I went to a very small school - kindergarten thru 12th grade was on one campus with approximately 450 - 500 kids total at that time. My graduating class consisted of only 27 kids, and 11 of us had been together since kindergarten, and many others joined us in the elementary years. I truly feel like most of us were more of a family than just classmates. (You can visit 2 of my classmates that were with me from kindergarten to 12th grade graduation here & here - we even knew each other before we started school because at that time we all went to the same church.)

I have so many good memories of all of my school days it would take me days and days to share all of them with you. Of course on the other hand, I do have some bad memories too, but overall I think I have many more good memories.

I wonder as I get ready for the reunion, what does everyone remember about me?? Do they remember the shy girl I was in the very early years?? Do they remember the me who wanted to be the mediator and wanted everyone to be friends?? Do they remember the me from the later years who was more outspoken?? And which of these do they expect to see on Saturday??

I am still all of the people I mentioned above - I still have my shy moments, I still want to be the mediator and for everyone to get along, and I am probably even more than ever that outspoken girl (but have learned to reign it in to some degree). But, even though I am still all of those things, what side do they expect the most? Regardless of the answer, I know I can only show up as me. That is all I am, just me. At this point in my life the me that is, is the me that is the wife, the mom, the daughter, the sister, the aunt, the friend, and the list could go on and on...

I thought as the date came closer, I would be anxious, nervous, apprehensive, etc.... basically worried about what everyone would think of me - how I look now (wow look at the weight she's gained), my life (am I successful, have a good family, good job), etc... But, I do not have any of those feelings, I am simply excited to see everyone and have a good time of fellowship. I believe, I thought I would have those feelings going into this reunion because I have had them at each previous reunion (we have had one every 5 years.) I also, believe I do not have those feelings this time because I am finally comfortable with who I am and with my life. In my eyes, I know I have a good family (great marriage, good kids), I am happy in my job, and I feel I am successful. My success, may not reflect success to others and I am ok with that also, I will just pray that someday, they can be comfortable with who they are and know that when that happens they are successful - it is not at all about the prestige of a job, the perfect husband/kids, or any material things we could possess. So, as I prepare to attend this reunion, I can only go as me and have the best time ever reminiscing, catching up, etc..... I pray that my fellow classmates all have safe travels to the reunion, and attend only being themselves.

Well, that may have been a little more deep than I intended, but it was all thoughts I have been having and really wanted to share them, and have wondered do others face these same thoughts as they get ready to come face to face with their pasts?

I can't think of any good stories to share at the moment, but I will come up with something (even if it might embarrass me) and share it with you when I do. If my friends here & here want to share any stories (or pictures), I promise I am ok with it.

Unfortunately (or maybe fortunately - lol), I do not have a working scanner at the moment so I can't share any pictures of me from those days. I do promise to take pictures on Saturday to share them with you in a post after the reunion. I also promise (mostly to myself) that I will attend the reunion only as me with only the goal of having fun and reconnecting with friends I haven't seen in years!

(Love to you all, and I pray that you have found the self you are comfortable with -it is a great feeling! All you have to do is pray about and let go and God will help you get there.) :0)


Melissa Stover said...

at least you won't be pregnant!!!
talk about going through some changes. would anyone have guessed i'd have 4 kids??

a boy a girl and a pug said...

have fun! That is such an interesting point that I wonder what people really do remember about us in high school. I was super shy too!

hsmomma said...

It must be a great feeling to be able to feel that way about the people you graduated with. I hated high school!!!

Have a great time!

Heidi Zawisza said...

I went to a small school too! 33 in my grad class. I hope you have fun!! Can't wait to hear about it!

Anonymous said...

I hope you had the bestest time! I saw the pics on Scrappermoms blog - how precious is it to have such good lifelong friends! Look forward to reading your take on it. Blessings to you...

don woolley said...

I thought it was a great reunion!

Year 10 was awkward for me. i had just given in to the call to ministry and was anxious about reactions. Early this year, I had thought I wouldn't come this time for the same reasons, but I really enjoyed getting reconnected through the blog.

I liked it that everyone enjoyed being together. It could have been that there were only 11 or so of us, but I'd like to think that we've outgrown those things that used to make us a bit clique-ish (spelling?). Of course, like you I want everyone to get along. :-)