Tuesday, August 5, 2008


OK - here goes my 2nd attempt to share the pictures. I am not the best photographer and we didn't have as many photo ops as I had hoped due to the extreme heat. The kids didn't even want to stay in the pool too long - the water was hot too. We spent most of the time inside just "hanging out."

My 8 yr. old nephew (Thad) with his art - he is still very lovable & who could resist that face.

Thad's artwork was displayed in a renovated Church that is now called the ArtChurch, it is also where his art camp was held. The ArtChurch is owned by a former art teacher & her husband, they run the art camps and classes and then do the art displays for the Gallery Walk that is held the 1st Friday of each month. This is in Hot Springs. This photo is of a stained glass window at the church (it is much more beautiful than this pic shows.)
My Sis, Thad, and my brother-in-law

4 Cousins getting ahead of us!

Thad & Camo - just chillin!

Flicka, Tanner (11), Camo, and Thad

My oldest nephew - Tanner. He has had a growth spurt this summer and his voice (among other things) has started changing! He thinks he is soooo cool now.

more lounging in the pool

Playing video games to cool off.

I took this pic right before leaving. Had to get them to pose for us - we wanted to show how much Tanner has grown, we lined them up according to height & Tanner is now about 1 1/2 inches taller than Flicka (she is 13, he is 11). At the beginning of June, Flicka was still taller! What a "motley" crew we have!

So that was our trip. The cousins still have fun together, and it was good weekend. Yes, we had at least one major disagreement between them, but they worked it out. Now they will all just be waiting for the next trip.

(BTW - Tanner & Thad are their real names, just in case you were wondering. I have been mulling it over, and will most likely introduce you to the real Flicka & Camo soon as I think their real names fit them and are a part of the window into the who they really are, so watch for that post soon)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

And where is you??? Are there any photos of the Mother who makes everything possible?... Go on, surely you've got some to share... whack some more in this blog of yours, Lady! That Church window looks amazingly beautiful - love stain glass...