Monday, July 14, 2008


All is back to normal, home is finally home again. Flicka and Camo are home with Hunter and I. We have slept under the same roof for 3 nights in a row now; sleep is much sweeter when all is right in the home.

Don't get me wrong though, it is no fairy tale. When I say back to normal, it includes more than just everyone being back at home. The kids arguing, cooking dinner again (took a break from that when the kiddos were away), running kids here and there again, increase in laundry again, etc.....

Ah, normal - it is awesome, and it is exhausting! But, I do love it!

My normal may be crazy to some, but to quote a line from a Jimmy Buffet song - "if we weren't all crazy, we would all be insane!" (I will learn how to upload music clips, and do links soon, I promise)

So, share with me. Is my normal crazy? What is your normal?


Aubs said...

I think crazy is normal! Atleast in my life that would be the friends regularly inform me that my life is nuts! Not that i need any reminding!!

I am permanently exhausted but like i tell my hubby....our boys are growing more each day and we can either focus on how tired we are and let these days slip by or we can accept that life is crazy with kiddos and make the absolute best of each and every day!

Your normal is not crazy...your crazy in very very normal! =)

hsmomma said...

I agree--I think crazy is normal--at least where kids are involved. You are right, a lot comes with everyone being back home, but I like normal and normal is nice!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your lovely comment re my latest post. I was beginning to wonder what response readers may have been having, as it is obvious I have had a good number of visitors (for my blog!!!), but not many comments; so it was good to know that I came across well to you...

Your normal doesn't sound crazy at all to me, just very, very normal indeed. We could well do without the arguments, we mothers', couldn't we, but then, when my little one was sick and my eldest was left to play quietly on his own, I didn't know myself - so we certainly become used to our normal, don't we?... Sadly...

Who is Jimmy Buffet??? I must go google him...