Thursday, July 31, 2008

Weekend Trip

We are going to go to my sister's house for the weekend. We have all been so busy this summer we haven't seen them much, and that is very unusual for us.

My sister is 3 years older than me. We did have the normal sibling arguments as children, but overall I would say we got along OK. Now, I would have to say she is one of my best friends.

When I first found out I was pregnant w/my daughter, my sister did not yet have children, and was very excited to become an aunt again (my brother already had a baby at this time, but he is in the Air Force and they lived very far away). At the time she and my brother-in-law only lived about 20 minutes from me. Then a house on my street came up for sale at the same time they were wanting to move, yep you guessed it they bought it - there was only one house in between us - it was very convenient for us. Many people said, I can't believe you want her that close, but having grown up in a very close extended family, I was thrilled to have her close by.

Fast Forward several years, and my sister had a baby boy, well her oldest son is only 8 months older than Camo so they grew up together on the same street, and were best friends. And of course, my kids and hers have a cousin bond much like the one I had w/some of my cousins growing up, not to mention the bond we were able to build w/the kids ourselves.

Fast Forward again, around 5 years ago, we decided it was time to move, and found a new house more suitable for our family. It was only about 15 minutes from them, but the children were just devastated by the move. Well then to make matters worse, my sister took a new job and they then moved to another town an hour away. I believe the kids actually had withdrawals for quite some time. Even a year or so after the move, my son told me one day that he was mad at his Nae (that is what they call her), I asked him why and he said because she took that job and left us.

The two boys are still close and get to spend time together, but not as close as they once were. Of course my sister and I don't see each other everyday anymore, but we talk to each other on the phone at least once a week and often more.

So, anyway for our weekend trip, we are going to my sister's house. They live in a local resort town. My youngest nephew went to an art camp a week ago, and tomorrow the city has a "gallery walk" and he will have art displayed at one of the galleries. (The gallery walk is free and held the first Friday of each month, you can to all the local galleries in the downtown, and enjoy the art and snacks, did I mention it is free!) After the gallery walk, we will all go out to eat, and then back to their house. They have a pool so the rest of the weekend will be filled w/swimming, eating, and visiting (I'm sure there will be at least one argument/fight between the children at some point, it's just part of life.)

I am excited to see my nephews, and my sister and her husband also. I will take pictures and share more of my family with you when I return home. This is a trip I have been looking forward too for some time, and it will be such a refresher for me!


Anonymous said...

Have a wonderful weekend with your Siss and her family. We are not quite an hour away from my sister and her family (3 young boys), and if I dared to suggest moving further my eldest would have alot to say. He wants to be neighbours with his cousins. They all love each other to bits, which is gorgeous. It's funny though, cause as much as I dearly love my sister, living in the same street as her would be far too close for comfort. We are like chalk and cheese - She's a City girl, I'm a country girl, say no more... Have loads of fun and stay safe.

hsmomma said...

The best part of our recent move back to my hometown is that I am just around the corner from my three y.o. nephew. He stays with us at least one afternoon a week and we all go to church together too. Even though there is a 6 year age difference between he and my youngest child, all of my kids love him so. It is great for cousins to be friends!

Heidi Zawisza said...

Oh, I hope you have a WONDERFUL time!! Cousin love is so sweet and SO important!!
Take lots of pictures!

Aubs said...

I hope you are having a WONDERFUL time and truly enjoying your time this weekend! Can't wait to hear all about it and see the pics!