Monday, July 28, 2008


Hunter and I thought we must have been in the twilight zone tonight.

I guess first I must explain the relationship between Flicka and Camo so that you will understand. It is not that they never get along, but on any given day there will be arguments of many different natures. They do have days that they co-exist w/out much incidence, and days of non-arguing. I know w/out a doubt they do love each other tremendously and would battle for each other till the end of time - I have actually seen this: Flicka got hurt at school one day. A little boy on the playground was running and knocked her down, she did get a really nasty cut and scrape on her knee, but it was truly an accident, nothing more than a playground mishap. Now this was a few years ago, Camo only 5 or 6 years old. When he heard what happened he wanted a complete description of the boy, and I do believe if I had let him and my nephew out of the car at that moment they would have taken care of it, they were ready to defend her. I have also seen Flicka exhibit this type of behavior towards those who have wronged her little brother.

But I have to say for the last few years, their relationship is more of a battle ground. Well tonight was just crazy - we do get nights like this from time to time, but definitely it is not all the time.

What am I talking about??? Well tonight Flicka and Camo got along all night long - not one argument. When Flicka started towards the door and announced to Camo she was going to ride his scooter (it is an electric scooter), he said OK - this usually causes a big discussion of disagreement. When Camo said he was going outside for a little while, Flicka said she wanted to go too, he asked if she would open the garage door and she smiled and said sure. Several other events like this occurred all night long.

Hunter and I just kept looking at each other and wondering if someone had replaced our children, or if we were being "punked", or perhaps on an episode of the twilight zone???

I, however, for this night, choose to believe that they are growing up and realizing they do need each other.

(I do have to confess before I close though, I had much of the same type of relationship w/my little brother. He was the same distance in age from me as Flicka and Camo are. We did finally reach a point were we decided all the arguing was counter-productive and it was better when we worked together. We turned out fine and get along well today.)

So, do you ever have "twilight zone" moments?


Heidi Zawisza said...

I guess we had completely OPPOSITE days!!! ha!ha!

Melissa Stover said...

it does happen but today there was some hitting.

Scrapper Mom said...

With practically 8 years difference you would expect good days, but I must say unless Big Dan is not home, it doesn't happen. He gets much joy out of terrorizing her and she LOVES to scream. So, there ya have it.

If I had a night like you, I would most definitely say I was being "punked"!

Anonymous said...

I was deluded when I had my children. With almost 5 years between them, I thought we'd all be getting along just fine... Dear me! I look forward to the "twilight zone years"!!! I hope they become the "norm" for you...

Aubs said...

We have our days! My two are 7 and 3 and of course the 3 year old adores his big brother and for the most part my 7 year old does well with him. But we most definatly have our days when they can find the craziest things to argue about and any reason to not get along. Ahhh....sibling love!!