Tuesday, July 1, 2008


Taking a quick break from introducing the family, but will get back to that soon.

How do you relax? Do you relax? For many, true relaxation is hard to obtain due to the busy schedules of everyday life, but I believe it is a vital part of our survival of everyday life.

Relaxing for me comes in many ways, but don't really to get to as often as needed. I can relax while I veg out in front of a favorite TV show, taking a nap on a weekend afternoon, a hot shower/bath, and many more. However, summer is my favorite season and brings many more forms of relaxation. I know, I know, but I do love the heat (not a fan of the humidity here in Arkansas, but it comes free); I hate being cold and will take the heat over cold any day! But I digress, back to relaxing in the summer sun. My in-laws have a pool and fortunately only live a few miles from us. We have been indulging ourselves, by taking a daily trip to the pool each day. Some afternoons we can spend 30 minutes or so, but some days we get longer. A couple of days I had the pool to myself - the husband was gone fishing, both kids at camp, and in-laws away - now I tell you that is some good relaxation, just floating around mindlessly, dozing some, watching clouds, birds, and planes in a quiet country setting! It just doesn't get much better than that(maybe relaxing on the beach is better, but work w/what you have!).

Again, I'll ask - How do you relax? Do you relax? It is important! Find your relaxation, and try to do it as often as possible, but no matter take at least 5 - 10 minutes each day to find a way to relax, it will rejuvenate you.


Aubs said...

I struggle with relaxation...with two young kiddos, a husband who is deployed quite a bit and life in general it can be difficult but i appreciate the challenge to find that time for me each day.

I do have to say that when hubby is home he is great about letting me veg infront of the tv and i definatly consider it relaxing! There are also times that i just decide i am going to use every last drop of hot water in the shower no matter how long it takes and i love it! I don't have the time to do that very often but when i do...i relax and enjoy it!

Must ponder this one more....thanks again for the challenge!

tondays said...

It was harder for me when my kids were younger, but they are older now, so it is easier. Believe me there are still times that it is not possible, but I try to take at least 5 minutes a day for myself even if it is just in my shower. I say drain that hot water tank everytime you can!