Saturday, July 19, 2008


Well, as I am fairly new to the blog world and still learning all the technical aspects, I have not done a very good job of sharing pictures yet. So, my new goal for blogging - more pictures. I am definitely not the best photographer, but I do enjoy taking pictures. I hope you enjoy these pictures of Flicka and Camo at the pool.

Flicka's reaction when she was told we would have to leave soon!

Short post today, and I am trying to learn new ways to jazz up the posts, adding pictures, linking, etc.... Hope everyone is having a nice and realaxing weekend!!


hsmomma said...

Your daughter is very pretty!

Melissa Stover said...

in that last picture she looks just like you!

Anonymous said...

It makes me wish for the summer sun so bad, seeing those photos. I'm a summer girl... but I sure don't have the fortune of skin that glows like your childrens'. My eldest does, lucky him - he has his Daddy's "Italian skin", as I call it. My youngest has taken after his Mother... we have the "luck o' the Irish" with ours!!!

Aubs said...

Fun Fun!!! I sure wish it would get warm enough here for swimming but atleast we get to go to the indoor water park! haha =)

And i'm with you on trying to learn how to fancy things up on my tough because nobody i know here really blogs ya know?? Anyway...hope you are enjoying your sunday!