Saturday, July 26, 2008


WOW! It seems, like I just woke up today and realized that summer is almost over. Where did the time go? We have had a good summer so far - probably one of the best in a long time. Everyone has gotten to do more of their own things than usual and have had a great time, but there are still so many things we would love to do. Time has just flown by for us this summer.

But, instead of dwelling on what is almost over, I will make an effort to focus on what is left of the summer, and make it the best it can be. We do have so much to pack in to the last few weeks before school starts.

We are going to visit my sister & her family next weekend (they only live an hour away, but we don't get to see them often enough), my 20 yr. class reunion is coming up, a 2nd weekend is scheduled at my sisters, we will have to fit in a shopping trip to buy school supplies and clothes (as both Flicka and Camo have outgrown last year's clothes) and then believe it or not it will be time for school to start. It seems like we will have a whirlwind of the rest of the summer, but it will be great.

We haven't been able to take a family vacation this year, but I think I now realize more than ever, it's not about taking a trip to some great location, it's really just about being together and fortunately we can do that anywhere! I love being with my family, and we can find a good time no matter where we are.

So, tell me.... What do you plan to do with the rest of your summer??
PS... Please visit my friend ...Scrapper Mom... to see some wonderful children's clothing and for a great giveaway. Also, it's her Bday, wish her a happy one!


hsmomma said...

My plans?? Stay as cool as possible!!! :)

Heidi Zawisza said...

Girl, Our summer IS over. Carter has to go back to school August 4th!! Can you believe that??? I HATE it! But, we do get extra vacations during the year, so those are cool!!
Have a great rest of the summer!

Scrapper Mom said...

Aw.....thank you for the sweet things you said about my mom. I'm glad you can remember all that stuff we did. And..thanks for the birthday wishes and for linking to me!!

Anonymous said...

I can't wait for our summer. It is really cold here at the moment. Our last school holidays a month back were just us, here at home mostly, the odd day out at a park or riding bikes, or some time for Eli with the Grandparents. You're so right when you say that it is really all about being together...

Anonymous said...

What a great attitude on focusing on what is left rather than on what is behind. It is a great reminder for me!